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Typical Symptoms of Those Needing Assemblage Point Adjustment.

It is a sad fact that most adults living in the twenty-first century are experiencing cultures full of stress, fast change and social disturbance. Perhaps never before have we been so aware of the global unrest in terms of warfare, pollution, financial and social chaos, with family separation and careers taking us or loved ones huge distances from our original social roots. There are very few people who would not benefit from an assemblage point shift to centre, if only to calm anxiety, and most of the assemblage points I have treated are in need of even more serious shifts, linked often to chronic conditions. However, in a world which can often seem negative to many people, the fact that assemblage point techniques are becoming more widely known is a very positive step towards a greater number becoming healthier.

It is rare to meet a person with a totally centred assemblage point position before treatment. If you do, he/she will appear happy, confident, relaxed, aware, unafraid of most of life's challenges and able to cope in a crisis and help others to do so. They are usually achieving material or career success, appear to have a stable home background and to relate well and easily to other people. This is the ideal and most of us are all too well aware that we fail to meet that ideal, no matter how hard we strive for it. Aspects of our lives may be excellent but others are not and we seem unable to make progress on those areas, whether they be related to health, finances, peace of mind or relationships.

The common reaction is to feel a sense of failure, but this is totally inappropriate where the assemblage point is concerned. It is not generally possible to shift one's own assemblage point and without a centred or nearly centred assemblage point none of us will function at our optimum level. We will always be aware of feeling we have achieved less than our possible potential.

The most common result of having an assemblage point adjustment to centre is to feel as if we are somehow reunited with our "real" self, the person we used to be when younger or fitter and less battered by life's traumatic experiences or ill health. The statements of people who have had shifts often include references to "becoming my old self again".

The following rough guide to typical front entry positions and their respective illnesses is intended to show what patients might be experiencing if they need an assemblage point shift to centre. It is curious but appropriate to note that many positions reflect the way we talk about the medical disease linked to them, such as "feeling low", "wound up", "off balance" and so on.

High Right Positions

It is very difficult to generalise about assemblage point locations since, for instance, an illness producing a high right location, such as we might expect from anxiety, stress or panic, can be linked to another even more serious condition, such as cancer or kidney failure, but the stress of suffering from the chronic illness can make the assemblage point shift to a high right stress position. Always a practitioner should bear this in mind when finding a high right location. Just shifting this position back to centre will not always be sufficient to restore health if it was originally caused by another illness which needs attention but I have sometimes seen people recover from the major illness just be apparently losing the accompanying anxiety and being enabled - via the shift - to cope better and feel more resilient.

A high right position is increasingly stressful as it moves upwards and to the right. Therefore, an assemblage point which is slightly out of position will reflect mild anxiety, whereas a very high right position will indicate much more severe stress, panic attacks, social phobia and an inability to live a normal life. By this stage the patient will often be on anti-depressants, tranquillisers such as valium, or sleeping medication, and each day might be a great ordeal.

The back position in these conditions is often a mirror image of the front, though usually not so extreme. Often the related back entry position is within the left shoulder blade area. Sometimes the assemblage point in the stress location can pass near the heart and can seemingly cause palpitations, which often cease when the shift takes place. Any area of the chest which is not an ideal assemblage point location can be suffering from stress just by having the assemblage point energy within it, so ill-health related to that area (say, the liver, heart or spleen) or aching sensations, tenderness or a bruised feeling can sometimes be experienced in the assemblage point location when a shift is needed. Sometimes there may even be discoloration or disturbance on the surface of the skin at the incorrect assemblage point.

The manic position is often directly above the centre of the chest, either at the front or back of the chest. In manic depression (bipolar affective disorder) it seems common to find the back position even as high as the nape of the neck and the front position, again central, low at the front, perhaps even a third of the way towards the navel. This "up and down" position reflects very aptly the way the person might describe their own behaviour and attitude.

Low Right Positions

Low right locations are usually associated with fatigue and anger (although anger might often be linked instead to depression, manic depression, anxiety or some of the complex high left psychological problem areas). MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) locations are found in this part of the chest. Chronic anger, which produces fatigue and depression, can sometimes have this position as can surgical operations which have exhausted the patient. It seems possible that some high right positions, if not treated, can gradually, over years, "drop" to low right ones as depression and despair take over.

High Left Positions

These are disturbing positions for the patient to have to endure and can be demonstrating various detrimental psychological states, such as breakdown (not to be confused with those linked to severe anxiety and in a high right location), fantasies, hallucinations, delirium, drug overdoses or abuse, including alcoholism. Many of these states might also have a secondary position (see the section on Shadows, Splits and Shattering). For instance, alcoholism might also have a low right position (connected to anger or fatigue) or a high right position (associated with the stress involved).

For these patients it is often advisable to have an assistant present in the room in case of violence, although many people with a high left assemblage point location will be very passive, apathetic and have little energy or enthusiasm for any aspect of life - including an assemblage point shift! Many will live in their "own world" or be excessively religious or fanatical in some way. These can be some of the most difficult patients to treat as they are often convinced of their own ability to sort out their disorder and are reluctant to receive help or believe in the existence of the assemblage point. Often a friend or relative is the one requesting them to have treatment, which can be difficult ethically for the practitioner. It is always advisable to obtain written consent before treating a patient.

Low Left Positions

These are associated with various psychological and mental disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease or epilepsy. They respond well to shifting but may need further sporadic shifts since these conditions have often been suffered, or been gradually increasing in severity, over a number of years. As with many therapies, the longer someone has had an illness and the more severe that illness is, the longer it may take to change the situation. However, I feel that assemblage point work is usually much faster than alternative treatments and it is only these relatively unusually low left positions which appear to be stubborn. In some cases the shift can be very successful and not need to be repeated. The most severe low left position I treated was extremely low, within the spleen, and nearly two years later has not returned to that location, only to a mildly depressive low central location, which is much easier both to live with and to shift!




At the Centre we are conscious that there are always new developments and new things to learn about the assemblage point. To this end we conduct extensive and ongoing research into the mysteries of the assemblage point and on improving treatments.  Some of our results and findings are published in The Assemblage Point to order a copy of the book click here.

book cover - 'sparkling energy medicine'


Remember: It is not possible to locate your own assemblage point accurately. Locating and shifting assemblage points correctly is a complex skill and should only be undertaken by a qualified and trained practitioner.

For a list of qualified pratitioners please visit the Assemblage Point Association and the Energy Medicine Association whose links are on the menu.

See also F.A.Q.s


© The Assemblage Point Centre Ltd